Getting Started

If you're new to charting and technical analysis, this is where you should start. In this video, we'll cover: - Fundamentals and technicals - How to use trendlines - Leading and lagging indicators - Popular moving averages - Managing Losses…

Getting Started

In this video, I'll help you get started with MetaStock from the beginning. I'll show you how to set up your data lists, search for securities, set up the QuoteCenter and much more! (32 min)

Getting Started

We'll pick up where we left off in Part I and you'll learn how to work with charting tools, how to work with Smart Charts, how to create templates and finally how to create custom lists. Have a look! (42…

Getting Started

In this intermediate class we'll start off where we stopped after the introduction class and you'll learn how to: - Create layouts - Multiple chart templates - Compare performance - And much more! (36 min)